Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Let's get back to basics!

Seriously, let's do get back to basics!
There are so many added chemicals to our food that our food isn't really food anymore, it's just food-like.  With that being said, I strongly encourage everyone to watch the food documents my husband and I took the time to watch the last few days!

Food Inc exposes where our food really comes from, and what is being done with it.  From what I gather, it's no longer a farmers job to create food -- it's a scientists job!   I really encourage everyone to become more educated and watch this documentary! 

Another thing that is very important to me is eating a low sugar, low carb diet -- easier said then done!  People today are just plain ol' addicted to food.  It is in sense the new drug.  It's making people sick.  Hungry for Change is a documentary discussing the issues of food addiction, and what is really healthy opposed to food labeling and advertisements.

My family and I are slowing getting back to the basics of food.  We do not eat everything raw -- yet!  We are slowly working our way to that point.  A few things I've done in the last few weeks is switching over to real syrup from trees (instead of pure sugar in a bottle).  Today we checked out the farmer's market and bought some locally made jam and honey made here in SC!  

Friday, May 24, 2013

Busy in the Garden!

We have been busy the last few months with planning and planting in our first large garden!  There is always a way to do a garden.  Whether it's in pots on the porch, or a small area in the yard!  We started out with a small garden box in the front porch, but soon we discovered the family housing community garden here on Ft. Jackson!  We are having a great time with partnering with some friends to make a large garden possible.  With it being, as Kellie says, "The blind leading the blind," we seem we will have a very successful harvest!

We started out with a soil test, tilling, adding fast acting lyme, adding horse manure, tilling again, and making mounds before planting.  We also added Epsom salt over the top, and it dissolved nicely into the ground. 

We are off to a great start!  So far we have corn, tomatoes, zucchini, okra, green beans, cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe, onions, carrots, jalapeno, banana peppers... More to come!!

With some wheat or barley popping up along with it.  Normally, manure is piled and covered in the fall to 'kill' seeds, but since we started in the Spring we will just have to deal with whatever the horses ate! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013


My husband and mom have been trying to warn me about the chemical aspartame since they knew I drink diet soda and I buy gum for the kids regularly.  I will admit I haven't been listening to them until I did some of my own research.  I'm convinced to cut it out.  Tonight we talked to the kids about cutting soda out all together.  We never buy it, and the only time we have it is when we go out.  So, as a start today we made a commitment to stick with water or juice while out, and I threw out two boxes of sugar substitute packets!!  We're on our way to a great start!

Some great links to learn more on aspartame.

The Shocking Truth of how Aspartame Became Legal

5 Reasons Aspartame is Bad for You

Dedication to Jeremy

My husband and I have made a decision to change what we eat!  After some reading and gut feelings, we decided to slowly hop on the wagon of organic and natural food!  My goal is too DO something weekly to reach our goal in protecting our family against the chemicals found in so many of the foods we buy.  I have so many ideas clustered in my mind.  So this blog will help makes these ideas into action!  I am very excited for our decision to this change.  As these ideas cluster in my mind I think about my loving brother we lost to cancer nearly 8 years ago.  I think about my loving brother often.  His sweet spirit and charm and his love for cheese sandwiches!  I've thought for such a long time that the food we consume is linked to the cancer in our loved ones.  While we on our adventure with our food, I'll dedicate our efforts to Jeremy.  I'm excited to begin this journey!